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Performing Arts, to the Glory of God! - Music Ministry, August 2024


In the present age, much of the thought, discussion, and work going into the performing arts is coming from a very secular perspective. 21st century culture-makers are generally considered those willing to “push boundaries,” “break traditional norms,” and “be true to themselves” above all else. Due to the immeasurable grace of God in His general revelation to all people, it is not always all bad. Beauty even is sometimes stumbled upon, even without conscious regard to the Creator of all on the part of the artist. But often, artists endeavoring down these paths make creative choices which are self-absorbed, garish, and even grotesque. And the world, outside the Church, eats it up and asks for second helpings. Meanwhile, the 21st century church in western culture is largely sitting idle on this important front, while the enemy gains territory by the day. This ought not to be so. We are the people descended from Jubal, through whom God gave the gift of music (Gen. 4:21); from Oholiab and Bezalel, through whom God dictated fine craftsmanship of all sorts (Ex. 31, 35-39); from David through whom the Lord instituted music for worship in the Temple (I Chron 16, 25); a people many times over exhorted to “Sing Praise to the Lord!” (Ps. 9, 57, 96, 98, 100, etc.); who are to “do all to the glory of God,” whatever it may be. So what can we do, as the people of God, committed to faithfulness according to Biblical standards? We can actively support performing art and artists of high quality and honorable intention, even to the point of providing for them a platform from which to share their talents and hard work (it takes BOTH those elements to be a great performer). That is just what we are going to do.

Our first concert is Saturday, September 7 at 4:00 pm, where Dan and Melissa will present a concert of American Songs and Spirituals

CONCERT SERIES – Begins September 7!

After a few years of “grass roots” fundraising on our little corner of Main Street, we have enough resources to begin hosting a regular concert series. THANK YOU to all of you who have donated until now, and patiently waited to see what comes. The long wait is nearing its end! We are very close to finishing lining up a number of ensembles of varied musical style and presentation. We will have 6-8 concerts from September through May on either Saturdays at 4 or 7pm, or Sundays at 4pm, depending on scheduling with the performers. A “soft launch” will take place with our first concert on Saturday, September 7 at 4:00 pm, where Dan and Melissa will present a concert of American Songs and Spirituals. Now is the point at which we ALL can get involved.

WHAT’S NEXT? - Get the Word Out!

As a church community, the biggest task we have ahead of us in starting anything new is spreading the word. We need to get people informed and excited to attend these concerts. Soon we will be sharing resources to help you spread the word. We ask that you simply participate in sharing the information: take flyers to hang up near and far, share social media posts, call your friends and neighbors to invite them – whatever you can do!


A lofty goal of this project is to keep these concerts FREE to attend so that EVERYONE in our community can have access to high quality musical experiences. This will require continued financial support, reaching beyond our current church membership. If you have any connection to organizations and businesses you think may be interested to support this kind of community oriented programming, please reach out to Dan with that information right away. Though our church will be the host, this type of event series has potential to benefit our entire community in a meaningful way. It is the hope that this evolves into a real partnership between our church and our community.

This is an exciting new venture for our church. PLEASE PRAY for the Lord to guide and direct efforts here. In His name, and for His glory – let’s do it!

Grace and Peace,


Director of Music Ministry



SMPC is a Presbyterian Church seeking to shine the light of Jesus Christ; to discover, experience, and share His love with our community and world.


​100 West Main Street

P.O. Box 466

Saxonburg, PA 16056


© 2025 Saxonburg Memorial Presbyterian Church.

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