Women's Ministry
Tuesday Night Bible Study
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in a special space called the Bride's Room in our main church building. Join for an engaging study and a great time of fellowship with other women of faith. On 2nd Tuesdays, we break from our usual study to attend Messy Church!
Thursday Afternoon Bible Study
Thursdays at 1 pm in the Youth House. This study meets periodically throughout the year. The Youth House is located at 115 South Rebecca Street. Pull into the driveway behind the little white church and park in the gravel lot. Enter the side door of the house that faces the lot.
Women Dine Out
Last Monday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Field House restaurant on Route 356. Ladies gather for a fun time out with friends from church. Come with a friend, or come to make new friends. We love meeting new women in our community!
Summer Tuesday Family Group
On Summer 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 10:00 am. We gather to pray for and play with one another. This gives all of us an opportunity to socialize and share community with one another. Bring your kids, and a lunch! We do a lot of different nature outings, art projects, and enrichment. More info on our Children's Ministry page.