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Lent & Easter at SMPC

We welcome you to discover the love of Jesus during this season of reflection. It all leads up to the specific remembrance on Easter of what we really celebrate every Sunday - Jesus' glorious resurrection. He conquered sin and death, and brought life eternal to all who believe! Sunday worship services are at 8 & 10 am. More on our WORSHIP PAGE.

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Lent Family Nights & Study

Sundays during March at 5 pm

Following John Ortberg's book If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat as a guide, we'll dive in to what the Bible has to say about what true faith and trust in Jesus looks like. There will be dinner and special activities and a study just for kids! Come discover the love of Jesus with us.

Palm Sunday Brunch
& Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 2 at 11:15 am

Following our 10 am Service on Palm Sunday, we'll celebrate the opening of our new and improved playground space with an all-church brunch and an easter egg hunt for kids. Join us for a fun time! Find more info about our CHILDREN'S MINISTRY PAGE.

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Maundy Thursday Service

Thursday, April 6 at 7 pm
in the Historic Little Church

A service to remember the Lord Jesus instituting the sacrament of communion, often referred to as "the last supper." We share worship and communion in the intimate setting of our historic church building.

Good Friday Men's Breakfast

Friday, April 7 at 6 am

Join us for a time of food & fellowship among men of faith. We'll spend time in the Word & prayer, and hear from an engaging speaker. We'll share a hearty breakfast of Thoma's ham, eggs, potatoes, coffee - all the proper fixins! Free to attend. Please RSVP HERE.

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Easter Services

Sunday, April 9 at 8 am & 10 am

He is risen indeed! Celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus at either of our Sunday morning services. The 8 am service meets in our Historic Little Church, while the 10 am takes place in our main building. More on our WORSHIP PAGE.

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